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Addage You Can Never Go Home Again

"Is anything amend than finally finding your way home?
Is anything worse than finally reaching home, and finding that you're still lost?"

For some reason or another, one of the main characters is displaced from their home — be it in the sense of homeland, domicile planet, home universe, or literal house — and unable to return. Frequently, their attempts to return class a key plotline or focal bespeak of the series, but since Status Quo Is God, Failure Is the Only Option (until, perhaps, the Grand Finale). If the reason why they can't render is considering of a Doomed Hometown or because they are The Exile, then their quest is frequently revenge or a new place to stay. Sometimes they will finally return to Where It All Began to claiming the force that kept them abroad for so long. Earlier the character leaves their home, they may requite it a last glance before leaving.

This is oftentimes seen aslope Fish out of Water, and tends to result in Walking the Globe or a Wagon Railroad train to the Stars. Trapped in Some other World usually entails this (so almost examples of that trope are equally valid for this one). When this trope is applied to the entire human race, it'southward Earth That Was.

Dissimilarity with I Choose to Stay. Also contrast with Stranger in a Familiar Land, in which you can go home, just find that yous no longer fit in there. If you tin can't go dwelling house considering yous've been banned from doing so, you're Persona Non Grata. The Stateless may also take been expelled from their native country. Compare The Call Knows Where Y'all Live, The Exile, Hated Hometown, Never Accepted in His Hometown, and And then What Practice We Do Now?. A common issue of the "Leaving the Nest" Vocal.

When this happens, some people may cull to Start a New Life instead.

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     Asian Blitheness

  • Happy Heroes: Large G. and Little M. crash-land themselves on Planet Xing Xing and can't return home to Planet Greyness.

    Comic Strips

  • A series of Peanuts strips followed Snoopy taking Woodstock to the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm where he (Snoopy) was born, only to notice it had been replaced by a parking garage. notation Depending on when this strip was written, it may accept been a Shout-Out to Terry, the Cairn Terrier who played Toto, whose gravesite was destroyed by the building of the Ventura Highway. She now has a memorial statue at Hollywood Forever cemetery. This became the basis for one of the Peanuts specials where Snoopy is reunited with his siblings.

    Snoopy: You stupid people! You lot're parking on my memories!!!

  • The comic strip Adventures of Gamepro ended upwards similar this. A pro gamer finds himself pulled into an Alternate Universe where video game worlds are real. While he eventually makes it back to Earth, it turns out the superpowers he picked up while he was there necktie him to the dimension, and being away is killing him. This forces a tearful bye between him and his girlfriend back home before he disappears back to the game dimension.


  • The vocal "I Tin Never Go Home Anymore" by the Shangri-Las is made of this trope. It's essentially An Aesop about a girl who runs away from home and breaks her mother's heart to exist with a male child, who she forgets about almost immediately, while information technology'southward unsaid that her mother dies of loneliness in the meantime.
  • "Y'all Can Never Become Home" by The Moody Blues presents a psychological/spiritual version of the trope.
  • Burt Bacharach and Hal David's 24 hours from Tulsa, which is every bit close to home as Gene Pitney gets due to an unplanned meet at his cease-off, which eventually leads to "I detest to say this to yous, just I love somebody new. What tin can I do? And I can never, never, never become home once more."
  • The Finnish military march Jääkärimarssi (Yeager March). Syvä iskumme on, viha voittamaton, meillä armoa ei, kotimaata (Our strike is deep, our wrath implacable, we have no mercy and no homeland). Makes sense, because the Yeagers were patriots (or traitors, depends on which side you wait at) who during the WWI joined the High german Army to get war machine training for liberation war against Czarist Russia. The Czarist Law stated mandatory death penalty from high treason.
  • "Golden Slumbers" on Abbey Road, The Beatles' last album, starts "In one case, there was a way to go dorsum homeward..."
  • Pushin' the Speed Of Light, a filksong nearly crewing an STL ship ends with the line "You've left behind you the world of men, with no way in infinite to go home again."
  • A number of Jacobite songs focus on this trope since many were either exiled or refused to live in a country that no longer seemed their own. Two standards of this type are The Highlander'southward Farewell and It Was All For Our Rightful King.
  • "When We Return to Portland" is a song near fugitives who flee Portland to become pirates. They long for their old urban center, only the return would exist a sure death judgement, thus "may fate never permit us return"
  • The Trope Namer is the DJ Shadow vocal "Yous Tin't Go Home Again". Despite being generally instrumental, the overall feeling of the song can be described in the only words spoken at the beginning:

    And here is a story near... being complimentary.

  • The RuPaul vocal "Never Go Home Again" is about the prevalence of this trope in the GLBT community, and how queer people often band together and course new families after facing rejection at home.
  • Ry Cooder's song "How Tin You Go along on Moving (Unless You Migrate Too)" includes a poetry that converses this trope. "I can't get back to the homestead, the shack no longer stands/They said I wasn't needed, had no claim to the land/They said, 'Come up on, get moving! It's the only thing for you!'/But how can you lot proceed moving, unless you migrate too?"
  • Pulp's 'Sorted for E'southward and Wizz' has the singer, talking about a drugged-upwardly episode at a music festival, imagine calling his mother and say "Mother, I can never come up home again/'Cause I seem to take left an important role of my brain/Somewhere, somewhere in a field in Hampshire".
  • "When Y'all Leave That Way You Can Never Become Back" past Confederate Railroad is from the signal of view of a man who'southward had a series of these all throughout his life. It starts with him having a bad fight with his father and running away from habitation, then getting a daughter in Knoxville pregnant and abandoning her at the chantry before their matrimony, giving him two families he can never get back to. Almost Subverted as he says in the last stanza that he would like to get back home anyhow, beg for forgiveness, and practice whatsoever it takes to come back... but then it ends with an even darker one as he reveals that he got with another adult female in Houston and murdered her husband when the man walked in on their affair. He's sentenced to death and refuses to receive his last rites, with the priest warning him that if he leaves Earth this way, he'll get a wandering lost soul who can never return home to Heaven.
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival's song 'Lodi' deals with this. The protagonist of the song is stranded in the titular town considering his amanuensis ran off and left him there, without plenty money to afford a cross-country bus home. He's forced to perform at dive confined full of customers who don't care (and don't tip) to attempt and scrape together money so he can eat, and for a bus fare home. A year later, he's not any better-off financially than he was when he arrived.
    • Creedence Clearwater Revival also practise this with their early hit 'Porterville' where the son of the town ne'r do well - who isn't quite equally bad equally his male parent - tin can't get dwelling house over again because they will hang him high if he tries, merely because he's his no-good father's son.
  • Lampshaded in the opening line and Played With in 'The House That Built Me' by Miranda Lambert as the singer's childhood home is however standing, but someone else is currently living there. The singer nevertheless asks the current tenant if she can enter to at to the lowest degree reminisce one last time.
  • Taylor Swift'due south "My Tears Ricochet": "And I can get anywhere I want / Anywhere I want / Just not habitation..."

    Mythology and Organized religion

  • The Bible:
    • In the Book of Genesis, afterwards Adam and Eve break the rules in the Garden of Eden, they are bandage out forever and an affections with a flaming sword guards it from them. Hence, they and their descendants spread effectually the planet. The trope is eventually averted in Christianity, even so, when God takes the consequences and punishment for human sin on himself.
    • In the same book, after Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed, Lot and his daughters have shelter in a nearby cave. Lot's wife made the mistake of looking dorsum equally her hometown was destroyed, and concluded up beingness turned into a colonnade of common salt. And their unnamed daughters' fiances were killed along with their neighbors. They get their father drunk and rape him, and each have a son by him, considering they think they're the merely people left After the End.
    • Also in the same volume, virtually of Abraham's line falls into this, including Abraham and Sarah themselves. Abraham (then known as Abram) and his wife/half-sister Sarai are approached by God, given a Meaningful Rename, and told to drift to the other side of the Fertile Crescent. Abraham has a son named Ishmael by his slave Hagar (who is from somewhere around Egypt or Nubia), and when he and Sarah finally accept the biological son they've been waiting for (Isaac), Sarah makes him kick Hagar and Ishmael out into the desert. They are promised by an angel that everything will exist okay, and Ishmael becomes the Hero of Another Story. Meanwhile, Isaac grows upwardly, and Abraham and Sarah really desire him to ally a girl from the "right" family unit, instead of the local Canaanite women, whom they view every bit godless heathens. So they send a messenger dorsum to Padan-Aram, and he brings abode a girl named Rebekah as a bride for Isaac, and it's understood that she will never return home again after the wedlock (which she accepts). They accept 2 sons Jacob and Esau, and when Jacob and Rebekah play a joke on Esau out of his inheritance, Rebekah sends Jacob off to Padan-Aram to her brother, where he marries Leah and Rachel. Although he does eventually visit Esau (who, to his surprise, has forgiven him), he never sees his parents once again. His son Joseph is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, and ends upwardly in Egypt, where he becomes an important adviser to the Pharaoh.
    • In the Book of Jeremiah, the titular prophet along with the Judean survivors of the Babylonian invasion of Jerusalem escape to Egypt for fright of the Babylonians, despite Jeremiah's warnings from God not to become down in that location. It is at that place where God through Jeremiah tells the refugees that a skillful deal of them will die at that place and never return to the state of Judah.

    Tabletop Games

  • Dungeons & Dragons
    • The Deep Imaskari race in the Underdark setting alive in a Hidden Elf Village. If anyone decides to leave, they automatically have the location of their home erased from their memory so that in the (highly likely) take chances they are captured by something evil that can read minds, they will be unable to divulge the surreptitious location.
    • Elminster Aumar of the Forgotten Realms. At the commencement of his book serial a magelord on a dragon burns downwards his home hamlet to assassinate his father, a prince of Athalantar who had abdicated. Nigh a century subsequently, an orc horde destroyed the entire kingdom. The present-day urban center of Secomber is built on its capital'due south ruins.
  • The odds of a member of the Imperial Guard of Warhammer 40,000 making information technology to retirement age are pretty depression, considering that the Imperium is nigh continuously at state of war with some if non all of its neighbors (and quite frequently itself). Those that make it are generally discharged on the planet they happen to be on when they retire, and their retirement bundle does not include a ticket back to their domicile planet (which could be thousands of light years away, depending on what events happened during their deployment). As such, there is a very skilful hazard that anyone who enlists in a Baby-sit regiment will never return to their abode planet, let alone their dwelling boondocks, ever once again. Indeed, the lucky ones instead get a committee and some land on the planet they conquered well-nigh recently, essentially becoming landed gentry there.
    • This applies to the Regiments on a logistical and bureaucratic level. One time a regiment is raised it will likely never see its original homeworld or arrangement. With new recruits being picked upwardly from planets they pass, or liberate. Only the more than famous and decorated regiments such as the Firstborn or Death Korps of Krieg accept the privilege of getting reinforcements from their homeworld.
  • Vampire: The Requiem goes to smashing lengths to depict why a fledgling should never go back to its mortal life. Even if its onetime friends and family tin can cope with its render as a vampire; even if the vampire has plenty Heroic Willpower to keep its Horror Hunger and Unstoppable Rages in check; the dysfunctional, sadistic, and highly lethal vampiric societies volition find out and have a very dim view of mortals learning about their existence.
  • In Changeling: The Lost, every newly-made Changeling speedily learns that the Fae who abducted and transformed them left a lifelike impostor in their place. Skillful luck convincing the family unit that the deformed, unhinged version of their loved ane who showed up out of nowhere is actually the real person. Even if they manage, Changelings are irreversibly bound to Fate, which tends to turn them into Doom Magnets for mortals they get as well close to.
  • 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars opens by touching on this trope and then inevitably hammers it in hard on any Thespian Characters - all PCs are outcast from the utopian order on Earth, and forced into glorified penal legions sent to "proactively defend" Earth by committing genocide on all other life in the milky way. Any character who lasts long enough can develop a "Hatred for Home" trait that risks them somewhen going back to Where It All Began... to exterminate Globe in revenge for what they were forced to do.


  • The forgotten toy line Snailiens. The heroes are a grouping of mollusc-like aliens who come to Earth to help save a population of oppressed insects. In the process, a human male child finds their transport, mistakes information technology for an interesting-looking shell and puts it on the highest shelf in his sleeping accommodation to proceed it out of the hands of his infant brother. It'due south not destroyed, but it'southward and then loftier upward the miniscule heroes are resigned to the fact that they'll never get it dorsum.


  • Parodied in MegaTokyo, where Piro and Largo end upward in Nippon without any money to purchase a ticket back home. They get several opportunities to fix this, yet for whatsoever reason, they never actually go back home.
    • MegaTokyo is an interesting case indeed... With the plot and Character Development going the way it is, it seems that Piro and Largo feel too tied up in the personal lives of all the people they've interacted with. Every bit such, even if they were offered a fool-proof method to return to America, neither would probable take it.
      • One scene with Meimi and Junpei implies that they may end upwards beingness forced out of Japan at some point. Until then...
  • Tower of God: Urek Mazino followed Phantaminum into the Tower, only he discovered he could not get out of information technology anymore.
  • Silver Bullet Nights: The head of Donovan's family has disowned him for being transgender, resulting in him living on the hateful streets of Toro City. He tin can't return to the family unit home or business; his previous life is over.
  • In The Society of the Stick, information technology is foretold that Durkon will return to his homeland—posthumously. Yet, he's actually happy to learn this considering he'd much rather be cached with his ancestors than to die somewhere else.
    • Of course, he doesn't know the real reason he was sent away from his home in the first place: it's prophecized that when he returns, it will consequence in the land'south devastation.
    • Then there's Vaarsuvius, whose quest for power cost V's wedlock and nearly the lives of spouse and children.
  • A small-scale plot signal in Homestuck is that Sburb, a video game which can manipulate physical objects, is targeted at players who are inbound adolescence and beginning to desire to escape their homes for a life of their own. Sburb also enforces this, since playing it eventually sends players to a Pocket Universe while their home planet is destroyed by meteors created by the game.
  • Zeetha from Girl Genius doesn't know where her tribe is from. Anybody who was involved in her journeying to Europa ended up expressionless i fashion or another.
  • A plot arc in At Arm'due south Length allowed for the introduction of a new character, one that was in their Character contest dorsum in 2012. This graphic symbol appeared in a flash of light, and apparently is from some other reality. Sadly, nobody knows how he got there, or if they will be able to send him back.
  • In Freefall, Sam Starfall is prohibited from returning to his home world, due to his acquiring cognition of technology far higher up the approximately "Steam Age" technology level at that place.
  • In We Are The Wyrecats, K.A. tries hard to pick upwardly where she left off later on coming out of a coma, but reality sets in pretty quickly that the world not but isn't the same one she left, but that it'south a decidedly worse one.
  • Alice Grove: Ardent and Gavia teleport to Globe from the orbital habitat where they grew upward, then discover that their requests to render are being ignored. When they get back to space by a different route, they learn that their "habitat" is actually a simulation being run by a titanic, sapient space tree, which won't accept them back considering they've been infected past impossibly avant-garde picotechnology of unknown purpose. Rough twenty-four hour period.
  • In Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures, this trope is why Mab is travelling with Dan but this is played with. What happened was is that the current queen of the faerie kingdom, Nutmeg, made a prescript that no one could have a tail fluffier than the queen'southward, so Mab, known for her fluffy tail, decided "Screw that" and left. She could get back home and did for a little fleck merely she chose not to.
    • This happened to Matilda and the reason why she can't become dwelling house is because she ripped off her blood brother's arm and beat him with it. In her tribe, a female going confronting a male person is punishable by decease.
  • Africa: Chui takes Africa's territory. She returns to try and repossess it, only to become beaten. She returns to the new place in defeat
  • A recurring theme in many webcomics most life in college, at least in late 1990s-early 2000s, perhaps in a bit more than literal sense. In College Catastrophe Jan visits his parents' home and finds his old room no longer suitable for life. In his case, it's used as a junk storeroom.

    Web Original

  • Atop the Fourth Wall: The Gunslinger'southward pocketwatch was made specifically to avert this trope. Nether normal circumstances, travelling to another dimension would either be fatal to him, or information technology would cause the dimension to digest him, thereby making his own dimension fatal to him. The pocketwatch prevents these effects from occurring. But then Linkara destroyed the pocketwatch, causing The Gunslinger to be trapped in Linkara's world forever, unable to return. When Linkara realizes this, he swears that he'll find a way to ready it.
  • The Dimensional Guardians trapped in Creturia in the web fiction serial Dimension Heroes.
  • In the Whateley Universe, Phase can't become home again. His family are the largest anti-mutant force on the planet.
  • qntm's "Be Here Now" story introduces a multiple-universes system of time travel. It'southward impossible to time-travel in i'due south own timeline, but y'all can "jump the tracks" to any point in any other timeline. The only thing is, the destination timeline is always "the next 1 downwardly the [infinite] chain", so you can never become back dwelling again once you've fourth dimension-jumped once.
  • Survival of the Fittest: At the finish of v3, JR Rizzolo manages to render dwelling after (ostensibly) existence the Sole Survivor, merely to find that his family has disowned him and completely moved out.
  • The premise of Mabaka! Magic is for Idiots! revolves effectually a novice wizard from some other dimension getting stuck on Globe with no manner to get back. Naturally, he ends up staying with the same girl whose one thousand he crash-landed into. At least until a year is up and he tin can render via a dimensional transport system.
  • The Autobiography of Jane Eyre: In episode 9, Jane has caught common cold and is really sick, which also triggers her homesickness. It's all the more than sad because she doesn't actually accept her domicile. The house feels empty and isolated, she doesn't accept everyone to talk to; she misses academy, but concludes that it was just a dorm room.

    "I merely want to go dwelling house, except for I don't know where that is."

  • Random Assault: Kate will never be accepted by her family for wanting to be a female.
  • In The Jenkinsverse, Xiù Chang returns to Earth later on spending two years living amid an alien species called Gaoians, barely survives the furnishings of a nervejam grenade, spends three years hiding in exile pretending to *be* a Gaoian, and five years stuck in a stasis pod subsequently narrowly surviving the devastation of a starship. Her experiences go out her unable to relate to her family and friends back home, but unwilling to return to Gao equally that would put the Gaoians in danger from the Hunters. In the stop, the just people she feels at home with are fellow abductees Julian and Allison.
  • The outset iii volumes of RWBY are set in Beacon Academy, the boarding schoolhouse that is grooming the titular team of students and their friends and colleagues. By the stop of Volume 3, the girls are approaching the end of their first year in a four-twelvemonth programme. However, the villains instigate an invasion of the schoolhouse past the Monsters of Grimm, leaving the school destroyed, the teachers and students evacuated, the headmaster missing, and a magically-frozen Grimm Dragon passively attracting more Grimm to the schoolhouse's ruins. The finale ends with the titular team scattered, and a cross-continental quest offset to try and seek answers to who the villains are.
  • In Twig, Sylvester realizes, after he deserts Radham University with Jamie, that by killing the Baron Richmond and taking Jamie he's finally crossed the line and made Radham and his fellow Lambs his enemy, and that he tin can't go habitation, not alive, at least.
  • Murder Drones: After Uzie's father betrays her, and the other robots are still cowardly and powerless against the invading killer robots, Uzie decides to exile herself considering there's naught she tin do to convince them to fight. Besides, Earth is looking like a much meliorate place to rule over.
