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Eric Foner Give Me Liberty Volume 2 Third Edition Pdf

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  1. 1. This page intentionally left blank
  2. 2. T h i r d E d i t i o n G I V E M E L I B E R T Y ! An American History
  3. 3. B W . W . N O R T O N & C O M P A N Y . N E W Y O R K . L O N D O N
  4. 4. GIVE ME LIBERTY! b y E R I C F O N E R A N A M E R I C A N H I S T O RY T h i r d E d i t i o n
  5. 5. W. W. Norton & Company has been independent since its founding in 1923, when William Warder Norton and Mary D. Herter Norton first published lectures delivered at the Peoples Institute, the adult education division of New York Citys Cooper Union. The firm soon expanded its program beyond the Institute, publishing books by celebrated academics from America and abroad. By mid-century, the two major pillars of Nortons publishing program trade books and college textswere firmly established. In the 1950s, the Norton family transferred control of the company to its employees, and todaywith a staff of 400 and a comparable number of trade, college, and professional titles published each year W. W. Norton & Company stands as the largest and oldest publishing house owned wholly by its employees. Copyright 2011, 2008, 2005 by Eric Foner All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Third Edition Editor: Steve Forman Editorial Assistant: Rebecca Charney Managing Editor, College: Marian Johnson Associate Managing Editor, College: Kim Yi Copy Editor: JoAnn Simony Marketing Manager: Tamara McNeill Media Editor: Steve Hoge Production Manager: Chris Granville Art Director: Rubina Yeh Designer: Antonina Krass Photo Researchers: Patricia Marx and Stephanie Romeo Composition and layout: TexTech and Carole Desnoes Manufacturing: Transcon Since this page cannot accommodate all of the copyright notices, the Credits pages at the end of the book constitute an extension of the copyright page. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Foner, Eric. Give me liberty!: An American history / Eric Foner. 3rd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-393-93430-4 (hardcover) 1. United StatesHistory. 2. United StatesPolitics and government. 3. DemocracyUnited StatesHistory. 4. LibertyHistory. I. Title. E178.F66 2010 973dc22 2010015330 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110 W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ISBN 978-0-393-11911-4 (pdf ebook)
  6. 6. For my mother, Liza Foner (19092005), an accomplished artist who lived through most of the twentieth century and into the twenty-first
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  8. 8. Contents L I S T O F M A P S , TA B L E S , A N D F I G U R E S xxix A B O U T T H E AU T H O R xxxiii P R E F A C E xxxv Part 1 American Colonies to 1763 1. A NEW WORLD 4 THE FIRST AMERICANS 8 The Settling of the Americas 8 Indian Societies of the Americas 9 Mound Builders of the Mississippi River Valley 11 Western Indians 11 Indians of Eastern North America 12 Native American Religion 14 Land and Property 14 Gender Relations 15 European Views of the Indians 16 INDIAN FREEDOM, EUROPEAN FREEDOM 17 Indian Freedom 17 Christian Liberty 18 Freedom and Authority 19 Liberty and Liberties 19 THE EXPANSION OF EUROPE 20 Chinese and Portuguese Navigation 20 Portugal and West Africa 21 Freedom and Slavery in Africa 22 The Voyages of Columbus 23 CONTACT 24 Columbus in the New World 24 Exploration and Conquest 24 The Demographic Disaster 26 THE SPANISH EMPIRE 27 Governing Spanish America 27 Colonists in Spanish America 28 Colonists and Indians 29 Justifications for Conquest 30 Spreading the Faith 31 Piety and Profit 31 Las Casass
  9. 9. Complaint 32 Reforming the Empire 33 Exploring North America 34 Spanish Florida 35 Spain in the Southwest 35 The Pueblo Revolt 37 VOICES OF FREEDOM: From Bartolom de Las Casas, History of the Indies (1528), and From Declaration of Josephe (December 19, 1681) 38 THE FRENCH AND DUTCH EMPIRES 40 French Colonization 40 New France and the Indians 41 VISIONS OF FREEDOM 43 The Dutch Empire 45 Dutch Freedom 45 Freedom in New Netherland 45 Settling New Netherland 47 New Netherland and the Indians 47 2. BEGINNINGS OF ENGLISH AMERICA, 16071660 52 ENGLAND AND THE NEW WORLD 55 Unifying the English Nation 55 England and Ireland 56 England and North America 56 Spreading Protestantism 57 Motives for Colonization 57 The Social Crisis 58 Masterless Men 59 THE COMING OF THE ENGLISH 59 English Emigrants 59 Indentured Servants 60 Land and Liberty 60 Englishmen and Indians 61 The Transformation of Indian Life 62 Changes in the Land 62 SETTLING THE CHESAPEAKE 63 The Jamestown Colony 63 From Company to Society 64 Powhatan and Pocahontas 64 The Uprising of 1622 65 A Tobacco Colony 66 Women and the Family 67 The Maryland Experiment 68 Religion in Maryland 68 THE NEW ENGLAND WAY 69 The Rise of Puritanism 69 Moral Liberty 70 The Pilgrims at Plymouth 70 The Great Migration 71 VISIONS OF FREEDOM 72 The Puritan Family 73 Government and Society in Massachusetts 74 Puritan Liberties 75 NEW ENGLANDERS DIVIDED 76 Roger Williams 76 Rhode Island and Connecticut 77 VOICES OF FREEDOM: From John Winthrop, Speech to the Massachusetts General Court (July 3, 1645), and From Roger Williams, Letter to the Town of Providence (1655) 78 The Trials of Anne Hutchinson 80 Puritans and Indians 81 The Pequot War 81 The New England Economy 82 The Merchant Elite 83 The Half-Way Covenant 84 RELIGION, POLITICS, AND FREEDOM 84 The Rights of Englishmen 84 The English Civil War 85 Englands Debate over Freedom 86 English Liberty 87 v i i i Contents
  10. 10. Contents i x The Civil War and English America 87 The Crisis in Maryland 88 Cromwell and the Empire 88 3. CREATING ANGLO-AMERICA, 16601750 92 GLOBAL COMPETITION AND THE EXPANSION OF ENGLANDS EMPIRE 95 The Mercantilist System 95 The Conquest of New Netherland 97 New York and the Rights of Englishmen and Englishwomen 97 New York and the Indians 98 The Charter of Liberties 98 The Founding of Carolina 99 The Holy Experiment 100 Quaker Liberty 100 Land in Pennsylvania 101 ORIGINS OF AMERICAN SLAVERY 101 Englishmen and Africans 102 Slavery in History 102 Slavery in the West Indies 103 Slavery and the Law 105 The Rise of Chesapeake Slavery 105 Bacons Rebellion: Land and Labor in Virginia 106 The End of the Rebellion, and Its Consequences 107 A Slave Society 107 Notions of Freedom 108 COLONIES IN CRISIS 108 The Glorious Revolution 109 The Glorious Revolution in America 110 The Maryland Uprising 110 Leislers Rebellion 111 Changes in New England 111 The Prosecution of Witches 111 The Salem Witch Trials 112 THE GROWTH OF COLONIAL AMERICA 113 A Diverse Population 113 Attracting Settlers 114 The German Migration 116 Religious Diversity 116 VOICES OF FREEDOM: From Letter by a Female Indentured Servant (September 22, 1756), and From Letter by a Swiss-German Immigrant to Pennsylvania (August 23, 1769) 118 Indian Life in Transition 120 Regional Diversity 120 The Consumer Revolution 121 Colonial Cities 122 Colonial Artisans 122 An Atlantic World 123 SOCIAL CLASSES IN THE COLONIES 124 The Colonial Elite 124 Anglicization 125 The South Carolina Aristocracy 126 Poverty in the Colonies 127 The Middle Ranks 128 Women and the Household Economy 128 VISIONS OF FREEDOM 129 North America at Mid-Century 130 4. SLAVERY, FREEDOM, AND THE STRUGGLE FOR EMPIRE TO 1763 134 SLAVERY AND EMPIRE 137 Atlantic Trade 138 Africa and the Slave Trade 139 The Middle Passage 141 Chesapeake Slavery 141 Freedom and Slavery in the Chesapeake 143 Indian Slavery in Early
  11. 11. Carolina 143 The Rice Kingdom 144 The Georgia Experiment 144 VISIONS OF FREEDOM 145 Slavery in the North 146 SLAVE CULTURES AND SLAVE RESISTANCE 147 Becoming African-American 147 African-American Cultures 147 Resistance to Slavery 148 The Crisis of 17391741 149 AN EMPIRE OF FREEDOM 150 British Patriotism 150 The British Constitution 150 The Language of Liberty 151 Republican Liberty 152 Liberal Freedom 152 THE PUBLIC SPHERE 154 The Right to Vote 154 Political Cultures 155 Colonial Government 156 The Rise of the Assemblies 156 Politics in Public 157 The Colonial Press 157 Freedom of Expression and Its Limits 158 The Trial of Zenger 159 The American Enlightenment 160 THE GREAT AWAKENING 160 Religious Revivals 161 The Preaching of Whitefield 161 The Awakenings Impact 162 IMPERIAL RIVALRIES 163 Spanish North America 163 The Spanish in California 164 The French Empire 165 BATTLE FOR THE CONTINENT 166 The Middle Ground 166 The Seven Years War 168 A World Transformed 169 Pontiacs Rebellion 169 The Proclamation Line 170 Pennsylvania and the Indians 170 VOICES OF FREEDOM: From The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African (1789), and From Pontiac, Speeches (1762 and 1763) 172 Colonial Identities 174 Part 2 A New Nation, 17631840 5. THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, 17631783 182 THE CRISIS BEGINS 185 Consolidating the Empire 185 Taxing the Colonies 186 The Stamp Act Crisis 187 Taxation and Representation 187 Liberty and Resistance 188 Politics in the Streets 188 The Regulators 190 The Tenant Uprising 190 x Contents
  12. 12. THE ROAD TO REVOLUTION 191 The Townshend Crisis 191 Homespun Virtue 191 The Boston Massacre 192 VISIONS OF FREEDOM 193 Wilkes and Liberty 194 The Tea Act 194 The Intolerable Acts 194 THE COMING OF INDEPENDENCE 195 The Continental Congress 195 The Continental Association 196 The Sweets of Liberty 196 The Outbreak of War 197 Independence? 198 Common Sense 199 VOICES OF FREEDOM: From Tho

Eric Foner Give Me Liberty Volume 2 Third Edition Pdf
